Participants wanted for online study exploring technology-use in individuals with Fragile X Syndrome

Published Apr 2023

We are looking for volunteers to take part in an online research study with your son/daughter. You can complete this study online or at home. The research study is being conducted by a team of researchers from the University of Surrey, University College Dublin, the University of Oxford, the University of Edinburgh, Dublin City University and Autistica.

We are aiming to gain a better understanding of the patterns of technology-use in people with Fragile X Syndrome and how these relate to social skills and social vulnerability. We are looking to recruit parents/carers who have a son or daughter with Fragile X Syndrome aged 13-18 years old. We hope that you will participate with your son/daughter. Note that even if your son/daughter does not wish to take part/cannot take part, it is still possible for you to take part in the project.

If you agree to take part, we will ask you (parent/caregiver) to complete an online questionnaire about your son/daughter’s technology use, their social skills and social vulnerability. This should take approximately 25 minutes.

If they would like to/can take part, we will then ask you to go through the information sheet and consent form with your son/daughter to ensure they understand what is being asked in our project. You will then assist them in also completing an online questionnaire about their use of social media and technology which will take approximately 10 minutes. They can stop any time if they do not want to continue.

All participants (both caregivers and young people) who complete our questionnaire will each receive a £5 One4All voucher (

If you would like to take part, please use the weblink below to access the questionnaire.

If you have any questions, please contact Emily Clark (, or Prof. Emily Farran (

This study is funded by the Centre for Educational Neuroscience and has been reviewed and received a favourable ethical opinion from the University of Surrey Ethics Committee.

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