Doing an eye tracking task

What is eye tracking?

Eye-tracking using special equipment that allows researchers to see what a person is looking at. It is usually done using a computer screen with an eye tracker underneath, or using special glasses where the eye tracker is built in to the glasses. 

Seeing what a person looks at first on a screen, or seeing what they look at the most, allows researchers to understand brain processes. Because you don’t have to follow any instructions, other than look at the screen, eye tracking is especially helpful for research with people who do not speak, or with babies and toddlers.

What happens during an eye tracking task?

An eye-tracking task is as easy as any computer activity. First, you will sit comfortably in front of the computer. The researcher will set up the eye-tracker and calibrate it. This may take a few minutes.

When you are ready, you will begin the computer tasks. The tasks will depend on what the study is about. There might be one or several tasks. If there are several tasks you will be able to take breaks between each task.

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