Richard Chin

Richard Chin

Dr Richard Chin is the Clinical Lead of the Muir Maxwell Epilepsy Centre and a Professor of Paediatric Neurology at The University of Edinburgh. Richard is also a Consultant Paediatric Neurologist at the Royal Hospital for Children and Young People, Edinburgh. 

The Muir Maxwell Epilepsy Centre is a key collaborator of the Patrick Wild Centre as many people with genetic neurodevelopmental conditions have epilepsy alongside learning and behavioural difficulties. 

Childhood epilepsy is a common feature in many neurodevelopmental conditions. These electroencephalograms (EEG) show a brain’s electrical activity as monitored by multiple electrodes placed over the scalp. The top four traces show a typical EEG recording, while the lower eight traces illustrate the transition between typical activity and seizure activity at the start of a petit mal episode.

There are 600,000 cases of epilepsy in the UK and it affects around one per cent of children. In the majority of childhood epilepsy cases, doctors do not know the cause and many children do not respond to existing treatments. We now know that a substantial number of children and young people with epilepsy will have more problems than just seizures. We also know that even when these epileptic seizures are controlled, they will also have learning and behavioural problems to cope with.

At the Muir Maxwell Epilepsy Centre (MMEC) we investigate the causes, consequences and best ways to manage childhood epilepsy. The MMEC is a multidisciplinary translational centre. We work closely with fellow members of the Patrick Wild Centre as well as researchers across the University of Edinburgh to develop better treatment strategies and to identify better screening and diagnostic tools.

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