Sydni Weissgold2

Sydni Weissgold

Title: A longitudinal natural history study investigating behaviour and autonomic function in SYNGAP1-related Intellectual Disability.

This PhD project will conduct a natural history study investigating behaviour and autonomic function at two points during childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood in individuals with SYNGAP1-related intellectual disability. Specifically, it will focus on describing how behaviour changes over time in SYNGAP1, with a particular emphasis on challenging externalising behaviours reported in SYNGAP1, such as aggression and self-injury. This project will also investigate autonomic function in SYNGAP1 via heart rate variability and pupillometry measures while participants watch a series of autonomically arousing and calming film clips. Lastly, a resting-state EEG will be conducted to examine baseline neural activity in SYNGAP1.

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